Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance—open, secret and classified documents—but not limited to those.
Raw Story's goal is to unearth and spotlight stories underplayed by the popular press, in particular those which highlight betterment and open people’s eyes to injustice throughout the world.
First of all, let me just take a minute and declare that the richest and sharpest criminal is out there somewhere without leaving enough traces for anyone to figure out how much he or she is really worth. As far as the list I have here, the most accurate figures can be presumed to come from the criminals who are either incarcerated, dead, or fugitives. The underworld is exactly that because of its quality to stay "under the radar." This is why I have not numbered the list. With that being said, I was nevertheless able to gather a substantial number of criminals who could all be considered as "big timers" according to anyone's standards, the list is not numbered, but I have attempted to arrange it in descending wealth order.
Here's the list (click on each person's name for more information):
I was really encouraged and at the same time disturbed to come across the letter from Citibank to its wealthiest investors that laid out how Citi views the United States' current democratic system as a "Plutonomy," where the wealthiest minority control the majority. I highly encourage anyone to read the article below and view the video clip after it.